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We are called to serve.

At St. Monica Church we have many ministries that serve the parish family and the community. See below for this list of ministries and ways you can get involved! 


"Remember that each of us is called to proclaim the Gospel message. Accept his invitation." - Rev. Freiburger 



Access the liturgical ministry schedule below

Ministries & Fellowship

Opportunities to serve, pray, and connect in our parish and community


**a valuable video made by our previous pastor and amazing parishioners**


St. Monica Ministries

Bible Study
Coffe Donuts
Funeral Luncheon
Garden Club
Grief Support
Lenten Soup
Nursing Home


Antioch is a community of high school teenagers seeking to live as intentional disciples of Christ.  Antioch offers opportunities for teens to grow and live out the faith through prayer, formation, community, and service. Learn more!


Throughout the year, the St. Monica Bible Study group meets to read and discuss Scripture. Studies are often formatted based on various themes, books of the Bible, and/or interests of the group. "Bibles, Burgers, and Beer" addresses special topics and is held in the summer months in the backyard of the rectory.


Bible Study is held seasonally on Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Call the parish office to find out how you can jump in on a current or future study. Join us for "Bibles, Burgers, and Beer" in the summer. Bring your Bible, beverages, and a dish to pass! For more information, call the parish office at 574.255.2247. Watch the bulletin and listen to Father's announcements for upcoming studies and activities.


This ministry provides parishioners and visitors opportunities for fellowship and community. Coffee, milk, juice, and donuts are shared after Sunday Masses. Mass-goers of all ages and states of life are encouraged to share in wholesome conversation with other members and friends of the St. Monica family.

Get involved! Come to Coffee and Donuts, and introduce yourself to others. Volunteer to help serve on a weekend. Invite a fellow Mass-goer or family you do not know to join you! Donate beverages or donuts to share with others.


Provide space for grieving families to come together and honor and celebrate the lives of their recently deceased loved ones. Funeral luncheons at St. Monica have been made possible through the renovation and expansion of Columbus Hall in the lower level of the church. The funeral luncheon team helps coordinate the use of the kitchen and parish hall spaces following funeral liturgies held at St. Monica. This ministry serves on an as-needed basis, offering space and hospitality to grieving families following funerals at the parish.


Get involved! Serve on the Funeral Luncheons team as a coordinator, reaching out to grieving families to assist following the funeral of a loved one. Offer to help provide food or beverages to families hoping to host a funeral luncheon in Columbus Hall. Volunteer to be on-site, helping to facilitate the use of the space and the preparation and serving of food. Please call the parish office at 574.255.2247 if you wish to get involved with the Funeral Luncheons team or find out more information.


The Garden Club gathers, as needed, to weed, trim, mulch, plant, and everything in between, so that the beauty of our physical church gives glory to God and invites all to contemplate the Heavenly Kingdom. The Garden Club includes teams that are responsible for the upkeep and beautification of various zones. Members of each team work on their own schedule seasonally, and full parish clean-up days are scheduled, periodically, on Saturdays throughout the year.


Get involved! Serve as a zone captain, working on your schedule to coordinate the landscaping of various outdoor spaces on the parish grounds. Jump on board as a member of a zone team. Volunteer with a large group on a scheduled parish clean-up day. For more information, contact Katie Rohrer at the parish office by phone at 574.255.2247 or by e-mail at


As Christians, we are called to have hope in the darkest of times. We are not asked to do this alone - that is why we have Grief Support ministry - no matter what challenging situation you find yourself in, be it the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, a child, or anything else, know that you are welcome in our group and we will share your suffering with you. Contact Beth Horban at for information.


Homebound Visitors serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, bringing the Body of Christ to members of St. Monica who are unable to leave their homes and sharing in friendship and conversation. Homebound visitors are assigned on an as-needed basis, making regular visits to those in need. Call the parish office at 574.255.2247 to discuss the possibility of becoming a Homebound Visitor.


Come together as men of faith to engage in charitable works and assist the pastor in strengthening the parish. Knights of Columbus hosts men's meetings and family gatherings to build faith and fraternity. The group regularly assists in executing parish projects and engaging in charitable works that are both local and global in scope. Learn more!


Provide members and guests of St. Monica with an opportunity for simple fellowship and a meal following Adoration on Thursdays during Lent. Those who attend soup suppers seek to grow more intentionally in Catholic community, deepening their faith through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving alongside one another during the Lenten season. Thursdays after 6-7pm Adoration during the season of Lent.


Get involved! Make a crockpot of soup to share with others. Volunteer to help with set-up or clean-up. Offer to help serve supper to those in attendance. Donate bowls and flatware to help share the meal. Call the parish office at 574.255.2247 or email Jackie Moody at for more information and to get involved.


Called to serve at the altar of God? Become a Liturgical Minister and assist with the preparation and celebration of liturgies. Roles include Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Liturgy Prep Team, Music Ministers, and Ushers. Learn more!


The St. Monica Mom's Group seeks to cultivate relationships between mothers so that they can help one another grow in faith and support one another in raising the next generation of Catholic youth. Mom's Group provides regular book studies, monthly play dates, and regular children's Adoration and Stations of the Cross. Moms of all states of life are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the life of the community. Mom's Group meets every Monday at 7pm in Columbus Hall. The first and third Monday of the month there is discussion on the current book being read. The second and fourth Monday of the month the Rosary is prayed followed by fellowship. 


Get involved! Join us whenever you'd like, as often as you're available. Contact Caitlin, below, about jumping in on a book study. Call up another mom and come to Mom's group together! Make plans to join us for our next play date. Reach out to Caitlin at for more information and to get involved. Check the bulletin for regular updates.


Father regularly visits the elderly and celebrates Mass at local nursing homes neighboring our parish. Nursing Home Coordinators serve as a liaison between the parish and local nursing homes, assist with the preparation for Father's visits, and maintain regular communication with contacts regarding special needs of those who live in nursing or assisted living facilities. Nursing Home Coordinators meet, as needed, to provide assistance. Coordinators are the primary contact for individuals, families, and staff when spiritual needs arise.


Get involved! Offer your time as a coordinator between the priest of St. Monica and a particular nursing home neighboring our parish. Consider visiting members of the St. Monica family who are in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Call the parish office at 574.255.2247 to discuss the possibility of joining the Nursing Home Coordinator team.


O.C.I.A. MINISTERS (Formerly R.C.I.A.)

There are a variety of ways to support those coming into the Catholic Church. The whole community is called to support those visiting or interested in joining Catholic Church with their prayers, conversation, and warm welcome. For those who are called to go beyond that, here are three great ways to serve:

1) Sponsor - Walk alongside people closely, attending weekly meetings with them, and share the faith through your life and their journey. A big but rewarding weekly commitment that lasts from fall through Easter.

2) Presenter - Provide opportunities for catechetical and spiritual formation to those who are already Catholic or interested in becoming Catholic. Contact Fr. Jason if you are interested in helping teach or provide formation for an evening.

3) Provide a dinner for the candidates and their sponsors so that they may share a meal during their weekly meetings, in anticipation of the greatest meal in which they will share soon - the Eucharist.


The parish festival committee plans activities for St. Monica families, friends, and the broader community, including "Rock the Rectory" (21 and older party) and our parish picnic, equipped with a corn and sausage roast! Our parish festival will soon expand to feature a wide variety of community outreach events for people of all ages. The festival occurs over the course of multiple days around the Feast of St. Monica (August 27).


Get involved! Consider offering your time to assist with planning, preparation, and execution of the parish festival. Volunteer to help with set-up or take-down. Help captain a particular event or aspect of the parish festival. Offer your time to assist with food preparation. Assist with logistic coordination. Volunteer to run a game or activity. Call the parish office at 574.255.2247 for more information and to get involved.



The Prayer Blanket team assembles and sews hundreds of blankets, while praying for the special intentions of those who will come in contact. Blankets are distributed to those who are sick, suffering, grieving, or otherwise in need. The ministry gathers, as needed, to pray and produce more blankets as supply runs low. Blankets are blessed and shared with the parish family, thereafter. These gifts are a tangible sign of our prayerful support to anyone who needs it.


Get involved! Offer your simple sewing skills to help assemble prayer blankets alongside other devoted parishioners. Reach out to those who are suffering or in need, offering to deliver a prayer blanket and pray for their special intentions. Call Barb Gale, coordinator of the prayer blanket ministry, at 574.255.5896 to participate in this means of showing our care, concern, and love for the sick and/or grieving.


Call upon the Lord's graces to aid those who are in need of prayer! Prayer requests are directed to the Prayer Chain, and members commit to pray in earnest for special intentions, while sharing particular needs with others committed to the ministry. The Prayer Chain activates its phone tree whenever needs arise.


Get involved! Join the Prayer Chain and commit to pray for those in need. Share your requests with the ministry, trusting in the power of prayer and offering all things unto the Lord. To join the Prayer Chain or share your prayer requests, call Suzanne Yoder at 574.255.8662.


Work alongside families to teach and cultivate the faith of youth, grades 1-8. Students in religious education work toward and rich understanding of the fundamentals of Catholic teaching. Religious education students and families come together to learn Catholic teachings, traditions, and practices. Students also experience strong preparation for receiving the Sacraments. Parents receive formation and support for raising their children in the faith. Learn more!


The Rosary Society brings together women of faith of all ages to pray the Rosary and to plan, promote, and execute various fundraisers to support the sacramental needs of the parish. The women of the Rosary Society meet the first Tuesday of each month from September through May (no meetings in January and February). Meetings are advertised in the bulletin, and a calendar is shared with all members.


Get involved! Join the Rosary Society and come together with other women of the parish to call upon Our Lady's intercession for our parish, for particular prayer requests, and for the salvation of souls. Assist other members of the Rosary Society in developing and executing yearly fundraisers to support the sacramental life of our parish. Offer your participation and financial support of fundraisers organized by the ladies of the Rosary Society. Reach out to Karen Baldini at 574.261.3048 to find out more information and to get involved.


The Rummage Sale crew gathers donations from parishioners and friends of St. Monica to host a sale, raising thousands of dollars to benefit parish efforts. The Rummage Sale is held in the Parish Activity Center over the course of a weekend each summer. Donations are collected several weeks prior after Sunday masses and during other designated drop-off times. Volunteers gather to sort and price items leading up to the sale.


Get involved! Donate items to be sold at the Rummage Sale. Help facilitate the collection of donations and the transport of items between various locations. Volunteer your time to help sort and price items leading up to the sale. Give your time to help with set-up and/or take-down of the Parish Activity Center. Help facilitate the weekend of the sale. To get involved and find out more, call the parish office at 574.255.2247.


St. Vincent de Paul provides emergency assistance to needy individuals in our community, offering spiritual and practical support. They collect and deliver food and monetary donations to help needy neighbors of St. Monica. The group operates a food pantry out of St. Monica, making home deliveries as requested by the main chapter office. SVdP provides support year-round, with special deliveries during the holidays. The St. Monica Chapter meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Sr. Pat Meeting Room and as-needed for special events and service opportunities.


Get involved! Join the St. Monica Chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, helping to fill the service needs of the group. Support the parish offering to St. Vincent de Paul by participating in the regular collection held on the second Sunday of each month. Donate non-perishable food items to fill the food pantry. Collection baskets are located at all entrances. Reach out to Leo Priemer, president, by email at to find out more information.


Walking With Moms In Need seeks to partner with local organizations and parishes, providing support to local organizations that serve the needs of all people struggling in our community. Visit their website to find out how to get involved.


Women's Book Club gets together regularly to share a meal and discuss various books, topics, and issues related to the Catholic faith. The group also shares and prays for special intentions. Women's Book Club meets the second Monday of each month. A meal is shared at 6pm, followed by discussion from 7-8pm.


Get involved! Share in God's love in a supportive community where you can grow in faith, love, and prayer,  Join the Women's Book Club. Reach out to Maria (below) for details on upcoming studies and meetings. Volunteer to host a meal. Offer to provide snack or drinks for the group. For more information, get in touch with Maria Siqueira at 574.532.5215 or


The Young Adult Community (ages 19-35) offers regular opportunities for fellowship, service, and faith formation as a group, as well as chances to engage in the life of the parish across demographics. Opportunities for fellowship are held monthly. Young adults attend Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and go out afterward on a frequent basis. The group hosts special activities often, including various pilgrimages and retreats. The community will soon introduce faith formation in small groups, meeting regularly or seasonally.


Get involved! Join the young adult e-mail list to stay up-to-date on activities. Attend a young adult retreat or pilgrimage. Make plans to come to a community event and introduce yourself to other young adults. For more information, e-mail Caitlin at, and watch the bulletin for updates on specific activities, dates, and times.

Parish Festival
Prayer Blankets
Prayer Chain
Rosary Society
Rummage Sale
Walking with moms
Women's Book Club
Young Adults
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